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Recent content by BryanD

  1. WTB Sunkiss bounce

    Mods please close found one
  2. For Sale Peninsula Red Sea 650 For sale amazing deal

    How manny gallons is the tank and how long is it ?
  3. WTB Sunkiss bounce

    Hey what’s up guys I am looking to buy a nice size sunkiss bounce please message me thank you
  4. SCAMMER 🚨

    Be careful out there this guy tried to scam me and multiple other people using fake numbers to message It’s ridiculous at this point, the scams is getting out of control, do not send anyone money and expect them to ship you corals or fish it’s absolutely not going to end well, His Zelle is...
  5. Scam

    I had another guy try the same thing with me the other day, this is getting ridiculous
  6. Pair of clowns for sale 100$

    How much for the pair with the Goni ?

    Thank you mods please close

    I bought it off a friend I thought it looked cool as well loll

    Hey does anyone know what kind of mushroom this is ?
  10. Coral Flash Mushroom 5 Inches +

    I have 4 of thoseeeeee all around 7-9 inches now they are gorgeous definitely worth it
  11. Coral Candy Apple Pink Frags

    11429 queens village
  12. WTB Heater

    damn dude everyone from pa and nj are messaging me
  13. WTB Heater

    Are you in the Bronx?
  14. Coral Candy Apple Pink Frags

    Gorgeous pieces too bad your are miles away
  15. WTB Heater

    Hey guys I am looking for a heater I can pick up tomorrow
