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Recent content by Breakin Newz

  1. 4" and 3" OG WWC BOUNCE (Priced to sell)

    My boy wattap!!!!
  2. More Red Dragon colonies FS

    Uh I wish I was still in the hobby, those pieces look great!!!
  3. Inferno Sunburst BTA

    Oh man I need to get me a nano for something like this, that is badddddassssss!!!!
  4. lps pack 4 a Benjamin

    My man puttin out some FIIIREE!!!!
  5. WTB: Nano Tank

    Thanks rookie, not in yet but still looking.. I think I might be settled on getting an innovative marine 16g. But i'm keeping everything REAL cheap and simple this time around!! lol no more expensive crap for me...
  6. FS: Bubble Gum Monster (BGM) Chalice

    Bubblegum monster, aaaaah one of my favorite classics!!!!! Love it man!!
  7. Starfire 28" x 10" x 7" high rimless (brand new)

    Still waiting on pics for the cad..
  8. WTB: Nano Tank

    I tad bit small for me but thanks for the offer! Hey jr!!! Hope all is well with you brotha!
  9. WTB: Nano Tank

    Hello, been out of reefing for some time now and I just been missing it way to much.. I've been thinking on starting something up very small - about 8-12ish gallons, must be an AIO. Show me what you have!! Thanks, John
  10. FS: Canon 100mm Macro Lens

    Used this lens mainly for reef taking but now that I no longer have a fish tank I do not use it, it is a Canon 100mm f2.8 Macro... I have both lens covers but I just took them off for these picture's... $400.00 shipped!
  11. FS: ATB skimmer, Maxspect Razors, Avast Swabbie, Sump

    Bump Sent using Razr Maxx, excuse any typo's!
  12. FS: ATB skimmer, Maxspect Razors, Avast Swabbie, Sump

    Thank you! I agree, definitely the best skimmer I have owned! And being able to take it apart for easy cleaning is a plus, I use to hate cleaning my reef octopuses as they are just 1 piece... Sent using Razr Maxx, excuse any typo's!
