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Recent content by bowfront

  1. Carbon "Reactor"?

    Kind of hit and miss. I personally now change out Phosban at about 6 weeks for my system. I started out changing it out every month and have increasing it slowly to see what works best. Good stuff this ferric oxide phosphate remover IMO.
  2. Carbon "Reactor"?

    Richard Harker did an article on carbon use a while back. Here’s a link: http://www.animalnetwork.com/fish2/aqfm ... efault.asp In the article he concludes: Granular activated carbon is a valuable tool for the reef hobbyist. It can play a significant role in maintaining a healthy tank. The...
  3. Kent Marine Mix?

    Kent makes a bunch of additives/suppliments but only one salt mix. I've used it plenty in the past and like it.
  4. Disappearing Conchs?

    Me either sounds like something other than a true queen conch.
  5. kent turbo calcium

    Use this calculator to figure out how much turbo to add. As mentioned it's a good way to kick up your Ca value once in a while. Don't go by Kent's instructions on the container if you want to get anywhere. Depending on the size of your tank you may need to add a fair amount to jump from 350 to...
  6. Adding sand to an established tank?

    So why are you adding more sand to conquer the cyano? If so good luck, I don't think that's the answer but then again I'm not a DSB advocate.
  7. Inland Reef / Reefs.org Salt Analysis Project

    Give it some more time for "arguments/discussions" :D This sounds like something at work. Hey when you start something be ready to finish it regardless of personal problems.
  8. Phosguard and Corals

    Here's a link to more info and an upcoming article. Seems to effect certain soft corals more than LPS or SPS. Leathers IME will close up from alluminum base phosphate remover. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthrea ... did=193809
  9. Southdown Sand possibly toxic?....

    The official position is still 'not for aquarium use' on the products that do not use a fungicide. Sorry to sideline this thead but personally I think this is some kind of closed doors agreement made with the aquarium trade. I've used different silicone products on many occasions that specify...
  10. emergency power outage

    Get a battery operated air pump and airstone going if you haven't already. A bait air pump available at Walmart or bait stores will do fine.
  11. Mag 9.5: How Much Heat?

    I don't think you'll see much of a temp increase. I have a Mag 7, 9.5, and 12 running in a 72g w/o any heat problems.
  12. Is a Mag 7 pump sufficient to serve as a return on a 75 gal

    I have Mags 7, 9.5, and 12 running in my 72g setup. Definitely go with a Mag 9.5 for return IMO.
  13. Is the LifeReef SVS2-24 a good skimmer?

    I have a VS3-24 on a 72g. Nice skimmer IME, venturi technology but well built, easy to use and it cranks. If you are concerned about it not being enough skimmer for your 75g don't be.
  14. Tangs for a 72 bowfront

    I've had a yellow tang for about 3 years in my 72g. No problems but he was introduced at about the size of a quarter and is now about 4". I'd blanket some of the previous recomendations of only one tang in your tank. Whatever your selection start out with a small tang. Mine has acclimated to the...
  15. Mag Drive Screws?

    I think there is room for concern here. The screws used in Mags are stainless steel (some anodized some not) but stainless is not immune from corrosion. Here's a picutre of what can happen. http://www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/sh ... mag+screws Here's another thread that I started on the...
