29 gallon Oceanic biocube reef. green and orange recordia,neon leather mumps, alveopora,mushrooms, candy cane, assorted zoos, Yellow Tang, Sebae clown, fire fish, bullet goby, 6 line wrasse and gbta.
56 gallon has aqua clear 110 filter, odyssea hob refugium/protein skimmer I have some live rock in it with a yellow damsel, a pair of gold stripe maroon clowns and their rose bubble tip anemone, and a powder blue tang.
Tank Type
Reef and Fish only
Favorite Coral
zoa and acans
Current Coral List
mushrooms,recordia,alveopora, hammer coral, candy cane, neon leather mumps,hot pink zoo, eagle eye zoo, orange acan, red and blue acan
Current Fish List
pair of maroon clowns, powder blue tang, yellow damsel, yellow tang, sebae clown, bullet goby, 6 line wrasse, fire fish