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Recent content by Bob Gardner

  1. Halichoeres garnoti (Yellow Headed Wrasse

    Thank's folk, You have confirmed what I suspected. I shall have to decide whether I want to keep the fish or the Blue leg hermits that I like to think help keep my reef tank detrius cleared up. maybe I can pass the fish on to someone who has a fish only tank. Bob
  2. Halichoeres garnoti (Yellow Headed Wrasse

    "Halichoeres garnoti" I purchased this fish as a juvenile. Shop called it a "Yellow Blue Line Wrasse". The Adult is various shades of yellow and currently about 4.5 inches long. No problem with other fish in the tank. It's the only one I have seen on this side of the pond. Only reference to it...
  3. Yellow Headed Wrasse

    "Halichoeres garnoti" I purchased this fish as a juvenile. Shop called it a "Yellow Blue Line Wrasse". The Adult is various shades of yellow and currently about 4.5 inches long. No problem with other fish in the tank. It's the only one I have seen on this side of the pond. Only reference...
  4. Can granite be used to cultivate live rock?

    I'd stay away from tufa if I was you. It's easy to work with a saw when aquascaping but therein lies its problem. It's easy to saw because its soft and due to that it crumbles easily and you will end up with a clogging layer of fine tufa scum on the bottom of the tank or blocking up your...
  5. Poll: How many UK viewers of this bulletin board?

    I am from the U.K. Live in Hampshire. Why don't you try ultimatereef.com? You will find all the advise that you need and lot's of local reefers on there. Not that the advise here not good but most of the people live across the other side of the pond. :o
  6. Can I add sand to an existing sandbed?

    If it is possible for you, I would advise that you remove your existing gravel bed a small section at a time and replace each removed section wth the new fine sand. This way you will get the new sand seeded from the old bed and not disrupt the life in your tank so much. I did this on a 4 foot...
  7. Aptasia Cleaning Refugium?

    Alternatively, purchase a Copperband butterfly and it will eat all of the aptaisia, little and large. Bob
  8. show character and BOYCOTT Indonesian fish

    I applaude your sentiments but do not see how we can carry out your suggestion unless we stop buying all fish. I can't tell if a fish has come from Indonesia by looking at it in a tank, can you? The same fish that swim in Indonesian waters are also available from all over the Indian Ocean and...
  9. Durso Standpipe

    It was suggested to me that if you drill a hole in the end cap to take an airline fitting and then add a short length of airline with an airline valve stuck in it. Just adjust the valve to achieve the correct air flow. Bob
  10. ph probe or test kit?

    Yes the probe must always be kept wet, thats how it is shipped to you but you don't have to leave it in the tank to achieve that. OTOH, I see no problem with leaving it in the tank as long as you keep the instrument case away from any possible water or salt drift. I used to keep my Pinpoint...
  11. ph probe or test kit?

    Of course, if you don't mind spending a bit more I strongly recommend that you consider the purchase of a Neptune Controller. That's what I use now and with it you can always see your pH, temperature and ORP readings. You can also controll several pumps or power heads,your lights and heating...
  12. ph probe or test kit?

    I agree with other replies on getting a Pinpoint Meter but do not leave it in the water perminantly, just check with it each day or twice a day if you feel the need, this will make the battery last a long time. If you want to leave the probe in the water and the meter switched on all the time...
  13. RO/DI....Why?

    See if you can borrow a TDS meter (total disolved solids) and use it to check water out of the house supply and then compare it with a test on some RO/DI water from any source. In my case I get a reading of up to 348ppm from the supply and Zero from the DI unit. I get a slight reading from...
  14. Phosphates

    Over here in Europe there is a product called Rowaphos which will take any surplus of phosphate from your system. It works, 100% so I'm sure it must be available in the USA or soon will be. Almost everyone that I know uses it at some time. Bob
  15. article in Marine Fish 2002 annual magazine????

    question for Richard Harker. I have not read the article. As far as I know, the magazine is not available in the U.K. In your posts, I did not see you mention the removal of Nitrate anywhere, only Nitrite and I was under the impression that the live rock in a tank was instrumental in removing...
