gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Recent content by bjc0305

  1. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    I think it's safe to say that was one of the craziest weekends I've had in years, but I was loving every minute of it. And thanks so much Kathy! I'm just glad I paid so much attention to how you managed everything over the past several years! I also want to send out a huge thank you to all of...
  2. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    I've got another huge prize announcement for you... Check out this very nice new EcoTech VorTech that's just waiting for you to win it. And I've added in a new other surprises to the list, too!
  3. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    Have you signed up for the Frag Swap yet? What are you waiting for??
  4. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    Since we are just over a week out from the raffle, I thought it would be cool to actually show you some of the fantastic prizes we've got lined up! ...Plus I couldn't help but add in a few more items, of course.
  5. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    Hey guys! Another big chunk of prizes were just posted! And only...
  6. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    Tons more great prizes just added! And plenty more to come! :fish:
  7. Raffle Prizes! Fall Frag Swap 2015!

    Welcome to the Official Raffle Prize Thread for Manhattan Reefs? 2015 Fall Frag Swap at Pace University! Raffle time is almost here! Listed below, you will find just a sampling of many of the fantastic prizes that we have acquired from our site vendors, LFSs, and manufacturers. We ask that...
