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Recent content by BenCAE

  1. Fixing random holes in your acrylic sump.

    Have you ever made a hole in your acrylic sump only to change your mind about a configuration...but become stuck with that hole? Have you ever purchased (or wanted to purchase) a used sump but it has holes drilled into it in places you don't want? It's an easy fix and I have two different...
  2. Enticing sun coral (and other NPS corals) to open using Piscene Energetics Calanus

    Getting Tubastrea sp. (sun coral), and also Denrophyllia sp., to open up can sometimes be a pain in the ass in the beginning. These corals really need to be fed daily as they are not photosynthetic like most of the corals we keep. I think part of the reason they seem reluctant to open when you...
  3. Removing Majano anemones with a dental pick.

    I have had great success removing Majano anemones with a dental pick. I've noticed that Majano don’t seem to put their feet down as strongly as Aptasia do. If you get the sharp point of a dental pick through the mouth of one and go all the way down to where the foot is attached to the rock, then...
  4. The best cleaning magnet.

    The stronger magnet allows it to get more stubborn algae and fall off less when making fast maneuvers.
  5. The best cleaning magnet.

    The long could work but the strong won't disappoint.
  6. The best cleaning magnet.

    As someone who has used both of these extensively for a job, the blades on the Tunze are far superior to the Flipper.
  7. The best cleaning magnet.

    OK, preface here. This is just my opinion, as a long-time aquarist on a professional basis (since the mid 1990s). No one is paying me to say this. I'm not hoping for someone to pay me. This is just my opinion at the moment. Nothing more. I've been installing and maintaining aquariums as a job...
  8. DOW Molykote 111 on tools

    Yo dudes and dudettes, This might be geared more towards professional aquarists like myself but here is a little advice that I have found handy. When you do this for a living, you have tools. Many of those tools are metal. Metal rusts. You could spray things on those metal tools to protect them...
  9. Stop pre-gaming frozen food in your fridge.

    None of that seems like a problem in my experience. How I do that is use a shot glass and thaw a cube of say, P E calanus and just thaw it out real quick. Then I shut the tank pumps off and use a small baster to squirt food on spot feeders.
  10. Stop pre-gaming frozen food in your fridge.

    Selcon is great but garlic has not been shown to do anything except MAYBE entice fish to eat. It definitely doesn't do anything for parasites. 24 hours is probably negligeble and fine but past that and things like HUFAs and vitamins degrade.
  11. Stop pre-gaming frozen food in your fridge.

    There is a ton of info on Google about this as it applies to human food. Manufacturers of frozen fish food as well preach all this. Ask Larry from Larry's Reef Frenzy about this. He knows A LOT about the science regarding this.
  12. Stop pre-gaming frozen food in your fridge.

    Refreezing food is NOT GOOD. You are poking holes in the cell walls when freezing and thawing and you are left with less nutritional food. When I feed frozen I do like how I put in the post; I either stick it to a powerhead or just hold it by hand and observe the fish as they eat. If another...
