gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Recent content by Aqua Pro Builder

  1. Complete Garage Sale

    Verified it is a Philips, pls SMS me at 347 878 3092 with an offer
  2. Complete Garage Sale

    Yes, that is available. SMS me with an offer 347 878 3092
  3. Complete Garage Sale

    Are you talking about the 90W LED? If so, yes. I cannot remember whether it was a Panasonic of Philips, I will reply back. If you are talking about other lights, please indicate which one.
  4. Complete Garage Sale

    Properly I don't know how to use PM. I don't see it in the msg. If you asking for the Teco, chiller, it is gone now. BTW, my number is in the signature --> 347 878 3092
  5. Complete Garage Sale

    How about $150 for the ones with the pump and one without a pump (the white color) $100
  6. Complete Garage Sale

    TOM last call, then I before it is gone. text me direct.
  7. Complete Garage Sale

    Chase, at least one of the hose adapter is missing, I think I saw one of them in the pile.
  8. Question 11 year old daughter starting a tank

    If an Aqua C remora works for you, I have one for FREE. But, this morning the guy broke a little pcs of it, you can glue little pcs of on the outside. I am in Flushing, 11355
  9. Complete Garage Sale

    LAST DAY tomorrow 30th, Wed! ALL tanks left FREE, 15G Drilled bottom, not sure if I can find the standpipe, 2 ~ 2G9 Sump, chemical left are either FREE or treat them as pay forward.
  10. Complete Garage Sale

    Huge skimmer $250 Media reactor $offer CO2 tank with electronic valve $offer Teco chiller $150, cannot find the hose adapter feeder FREE
  11. Complete Garage Sale

    No longer with me. It was first used as a sump where I keep 2 eels and puffers and keep my life rocks. Then I moved and it is used as a freshwater POND in the yard. The majority of the fish in there spawn well (EVEN some kind of wasp and one of them stung me when I accidentally spray its...
  12. Complete Garage Sale

    Which one would that be? A 300G or the open-top Round tank?
  13. Complete Garage Sale

    more pics, make an offer, how about 1/2 market price? BROKEN 4 stage water filter FREE
  14. 5 gallon bottle terrarium

    LOL, been to TOO MANY states, Kansas, FL, CA/Oregon, PA, NJ, and now back to NYC doing kitchen cabinets and software development. Do you still keep a lot of fish? If you need a hospital tank (20G long) and a gallon of Copper Safe for pre-fish, come get it FREE this weekend.) Check out my...
  15. Complete Garage Sale

    A Mahjong Machine is a table with a machine inside to auto shuffle and stacks the tiles, make the game much faster, so players can focus on the game rather than piling the tiles. Makes everyone thinks faster and makes the game more challenging - it's a whole different level of MJ gaming! The...
