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Recent content by androsreef

  1. 7/10 to 7/12 stock update/weekend sale!

    what happen to the prices llol
  2. Christmas in July sale!

    When you getting princess anthias
  3. Radeon R7 2gb ddr3 graphics card

    which r7 is it
  4. New reef store in morris park bronx

    i was in there today its empty, the guy said hes gonna have more stuff for the weekend. i just when to hot reef
  5. New reef store in morris park bronx

    yessir, dude save the tolls, dont worry bout gas, use that extra time to view corals lol. Did i mention i got my car valet lol first time ever lol, #serioustho but what they dont have hot reef has so you good all around
  6. New reef store in morris park bronx

    dude between this new store and hot reef, the bronx definitely has the best prices by far in the tri state. so if you looking to stock your tank, the bronx is the destination
  7. New reef store in morris park bronx

    post a pic of that lobo, did you see those brains those are real nice qualities
  8. New reef store in morris park bronx

    i guess you passed by there before me because i didnt see no lobo that size, got me kinda jealous lol, i did grab one of the sps colony and a nice open brain for $25 each. im surprise they dont have a vendor account yet, i forget to ask
  9. My new challenge - Rare dwarf angelfish

    wow beautiful fish last one not the mask angel. what size system your angel going inn

    night how many fish you have inside
  11. Should I be worried about cyano and algae in my fuge? (pics inside)

    bro i fighting the same problem take care of the cyano asap tho i been using red slime remover, the green hair is no problem clean up crew
  12. Setting A New Standard

    nice stuff love the white
  13. MR app pop ups

    me also i just wait until i get to my laptop or home / work pc and you cant even browse mobile neither the scripts are out of place
  14. Frags $5-$10

    wow sick ****dude
  15. WTB AIO frag tank/ shallow 4'x2'

    u have any frag for it already
