180 Gallon AGA, 75 Gallon Sump, Super Reef Octopus 3000 Int, Reeflo Barracuda Return Pump, 4x4" filter socks, Reefkeeper Elite (SLI, ALC, NET, 2x PC4, Temp Probe, PH Probe, Dual Float Switch), Coralife RO/DI with dual 50 gallon connected containers for fresh water ans salt mix. Aqua Illumination SOL Blue Lighting, Koralia powerhead, Dual 400w Heaters
Years in Hobby
Tank Type
180g AGA Reef Ready
Favorite Coral
Now this is a hard question... each one was picked for a different reason... I need a minute :)
Mechanical & Biological
Current Coral List
Hammer, 2 different types of leathers, Blue Xenia, dendro, duncan, lobo, frogspawn, ricordia, Blasto, candy cane, sunset montipora, Acan, Chalice, sun coral, waving hands coral, star polyps, alveopora, papaya clove polyp and a few palm tree corals... Im sure I missed some along the way but I will keep updating