I destroyed my 90 yesterday when the temp hit 68. I couldnt run a heater on my power inverter. I ended up pulling the fish out and any important corals and set up my old biocube at my brothers since he had power. It was a good thing since the tank hit 63 today. Fish and everything are doing fine...
sighhh...another year in a row that ill be running my tank off of car batteries and a power inverter. Gonna make sure there fully charged today and try to pick up a batter powered air pump since theres a west marine around the block from me.
I have a Pro Clear Aquatics Wet/Dry Trickle filter for sale. Its good for 75gallon tanks. I had it running on my 90 for a while and it worked just fine. Its comes with bioballs, the drip plate, cover, and hose. I have the divider still but dont have the sponge filter in it any more. $40 can post...
So im in the process of transfering my BC29 to my 90 and I have a bunch of corals that have decided to grow all over. My Kenya tree always lost branches and they grew out of where ever they landed. Same with some mushrooms and pallys. My question is, whats the best way to attach them to plugs...