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Recent content by Adamantium

  1. PSI

    You should be just fine with 60.
  2. Riddle me this: How do ~4 1 gallon bowls almost fill a 10 gallon tank?

    I mean, I couldn't tell you the exact reasons for it, but just use a volume calculator. The main reason is likely because the bowl has a lot of unused space, being round, so it takes up more area than a rectangular tank. But it checks out if you just use a simple volume calculator.
  3. SOLD~

    What is this post? Are you selling them?
  4. Inverts Interested in buying some Berghia Nudibranchs

    Might be on the pricey side, and not necessarily easy for you to get to, but I just saw that House of Fins has some. It’s a really nice LFS, but it’s wayyyyy overpriced. Depends how badly you want them, I guess.

    I see you guys ship, but do you have a website I could order from?
  6. Christmas Sale! 50% Off Corals!

    Merry Christmas Juan and Cynthia!
  7. Bulk Reef Supply Refractometer for Reading Salinity

    This doesn't look like the LED version?
  8. For Sale New Stock List 12-12-20

    I only have good things to say about Salgado Aquatics. Juan and Cynthia are great, local delivery is awesome to have, and prices are reasonable. Can't wait to go back!
  9. Jabao doser air in calcium line

    Don’t think it really matters. Mine are just some cheapo ones that came with airline tubing from Amazon. Really, any should work.
  10. Jabao doser air in calcium line

    I was having this problem, too. Same doser. What worked for me was adding check valves. They don’t allow the liquid to flow backwards, allowing in air.
  11. Taking Water Change From Established Tank to New Cycling Tank

    Cool. That’s definitely the right move. Just test your parameters every day or so to make sure the cycle is moving along.
  12. Taking Water Change From Established Tank to New Cycling Tank

    Water has almost none of the beneficial bacteria in it. You want media, or rocks. I’m not really sure about dipping live rock, unfortunately. It may kill the bacteria. Sorry. Can’t hurt to try, though. Worst case you just have more rock in the new tank.
  13. Amazeballs Goni

    Where did you find it, and for how much, if you don’t mind my asking?
  14. Fluval Sea Marine & Reef LED 2.0 48"

    I have a 3.0 32”. Maybe not what you’re looking for, but I figured I’d throw it out there.
  15. LiveAquaria sold by Petco

    Yup, it’s such a bummer. I have to drive to Connecticut for any decent LFS, and they’re way overpriced.
