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Recent content by 2slow95vert

  1. Last of my coral in Oyster Bay

    Have a few things left to sell before shutting it down. Pick up only in oyster bay 11732. No trades - Joe 718 757-7112 Godzilla mushroom 250 Chalice #1 Completely covering a 2" tile $125 Chalice #2 $30 Green goblin anacropora? $5 ? Don't remember what this...
  2. Coral in Oyster Bay 11732

    Hey, I'm trying to get rid of it all! Package deals available. Come see it in person in Oyster Bay 11732 - Joe 718 757 -7112
  3. Misc corals in Oyster Bay

    updated. still have a lot left
  4. Misc corals in Oyster Bay

  5. Misc corals in Oyster Bay

    Some more stuff available
  6. Misc corals in Oyster Bay

    Hey, I've got a bunch of stuff I'm looking to sell in Oyster Bay 11732. Pick up only and no trades at this time. - Joe 718 757-7112 Single head $75 Double $120 one triple head left $100
  7. 2 FREE tiger tail cucumbers in 11732

    Nobody wants these? For free?
  8. 2 FREE tiger tail cucumbers in 11732

    I've got 2 tiger tail cucumbers in Oyster Bay 11732. One is 3-4 inches, the other is 5-6 inches. Shutting down a system and want them gone asap. Would like to give one each to 2 different people. - Joe 718 757-7112
  9. Cheap torches in Oyster Bay

    Done for now.
  10. 2.5" Frankenstein and some other mushrooms

    Still have a few tequila sunrise left....Frank is sold
  11. A few dif chalice in Oyster Bay

    Still have pieces of the $15 chalice in the last pic. The rest sold
  12. $5 and $10 zoas in Oyster Bay

