A apercival Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location New York Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jan 6, 2016 #1 Hello, I am selling my ecotech radion G2's. I have a total of (2) of them in great condition. If you can pick up from the upper west side the price would be $525.00 for both of them. This includes the lights, power supplies, and power cables. Attachments IMG_7681 (1).jpg 125.6 KB · Views: 495
Hello, I am selling my ecotech radion G2's. I have a total of (2) of them in great condition. If you can pick up from the upper west side the price would be $525.00 for both of them. This includes the lights, power supplies, and power cables.
A apercival Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location New York Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jan 8, 2016 #2 Thanks for all the inquiries. The two radians have both been sold.