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Experienced Reefer
long island
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I just found this strange parasite type organism on my tomini tang, it resemble ich, except it is much larger and more visible. It also sticks out and looks like exposed tissue. I already have a tang with ich and it looks nothing like this. The area around the parasite is also swollen. I am very worried about the health of this tang, can anyone ID this. I tried to get a good picture, but he is very active and won't stay still long enough for a good shot. I have already been soaking food in garlic because of the other tang with ich, I also have a UV sterilizer running. The tomini is super fat and healthy, so he has avoided the ich. WHAT IS THIS PARASITE!! Please anyone have any input?


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Experienced Reefer
long island
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I saw these spots in the morning and it looked like ich, now the spots grew larger. I don't think it is the other tang because he isn't aggressive at all due to his ich. The tank is a 90 gallon. The only thing I can think of is my coral banded shrimp which usually nips at them.

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