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I was at a petshop and I saw what apeared to be three aussie elegances corals for around $45.00 each. They had over inflated bodies and short tenacles with bright green bodies. After a closer look I saw that they had very small 2 inch a pie shaped skelaton, and they were about 8 inches long total overall. The salesman wasnt sure, So is there a way to tell the differance between the often short lived Indo and the very hardy ASSIU that I have now doing well?
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Most aussie corals are fragged and don't have complete skeletons, even the elegance. Not to say that some of the smaller pieces don't come in complete but most are freshly cut. The other thing to consider is that some of the "aussie" stuff can come from Timor which is not far away. You have to know and trust your source a few suppliers I know will tell me flat out if something is from Timor instead of Australia. Also, as far as the price goes, aussie stock has been coming down in stock lately as the market has been flooded and it isn't moving in the same kind of volume. Aussie elegance isn't an overly expensive coral anymore. My other concern would be if the guy doing the ordering doesn't know where it's from than you need to find a new store or the person who is doing the ordering.


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Thanks LFSmarine guy, That was the best answer, I wasnt worried if wasa good price or if I had room but more on if any one can actually tell the differance between the two types.


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brooklyn ny
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tell him to pick it up and wave his hand over it make it close if it closes completly its not aussie ,aussie elegance do not close all the way i have been bringing them in for almost a year now and i never saw one completley close all the way thats one reason they dont die


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When I asked to see the skelaton, he grabbed it and slightly twisted for a couple minutes,and even 15 minutes it never retracted, I was mostly concenerd with its real short tentacles , about half inch even before he touched it. He said its there a week about 18 inches of about 6 t5ho. in a 2 x2 frag tank. Any way I wanted to learn so If I see em again maybee Ill get them this weekend

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