I'm going to go through all my clam pics when I have some time (thousands) and post up some of my favorites that have passed through my hands. Should make for a nice post.
I was going to go through my pics and post some stand outs. Holy crap what an undertaking. All I looked through was maxima ones and there are hundreds of those. Between all the tridacnas, I must have several thousand pictures easily.
So I just quickly picked a couple and instead of searching for the originals, I am putting up the resized and cropped ones. Sue me.
Like I said, just a handful.
By far the nicest maximas I have ever gotten are always from ORA. Without doubt.
From what I hear the farm ORA get their clams from is down for a little bit for a clean sweep or something. Once they get back up and ora starts offering the ultra clams I will start getting them again and if I see a green one I'll let you know.