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Scarlett O'hara had been a real delight in my tank for 2 1/2 years now. A couple of weeks ago when I tried to target feed her (I did this about once a month) she ignored the food, and last week, she actually moved away from the food. In the past there were times when she was really interested in food, and periods when she wasn't so much- but never that she fled my fork.
The day before yesterday, her body turned a lighter color, and yesterday morning, there appeared to be white, fluffy stuff on her body. When the light came on, it appeared there was an abscess (for lack of better words). she was moving all around the tank, and a couple of hours later, to my astonishment, it looked like she was deteriorating right before my eyes. I took her out of the 160 gal. reef, acclimated her for 1 1/2 hrs.,then added her to the quar. tank, which I had added Melafix as a last resort. I was torn between this, and putting her in the freezer to end it. but, I had hope. We ran some errands, and when we returned she was dead, and her body much more deteriorated, especially where the arms met the body. we buried her, and I am heartbroken. What could have happened?? Could ick, or new sand sifters added, be the problem? I have been treating the Regal tang with Kick Ick for the past 3 weeks (no one else caught it). I added 10 lbs. of packaged live sand a couple of weeks ago. I added 3 new sand sifters 2 months ago, as it seemed I was down to one over the course of 3 years. After that, I lost 2 of them; one was kind of mushy, then another with part of it's body and arms gone. i'D NEVER HAD THAT HAPPEN BEFORE AS THEY ARE VERY HARDY. i BOUGHT 3 MORE, i THINK I NOW HAVE 4 IN THE TANK. i SAW ONE THIS A.M. ON THE GLASS, WITH ENDS OF LEGS LOOKING MELTY- i TOOK IT OUT.OOps caps lock. These are the only variables in the tank- water perameters the same, etc,. I have done a 20% water change4, added Chemi Pure and carbon that had been removed because of the "Kick Ick". What do you think happened? I have a book on fish disease- but they only cover fish. Help me to understand what happened to Scarlett.


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Is Kick Ich safe for ue with invertebrates?

Also, did your tank have any significant salinity changes, such as would arise from too long without a top-off or a water change with slightly different SPG water?


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Dawn":2j8qlxn9 said:
As stated, water parameters are the same. I can only think a sifetr brought in a disease, virus, etc.

Generally you need to provide more specific information about water parameters, especially if you expect a more specific answer. :D

Saying "water peramaters the same, etc..." doesn't really give any information to those unfamiliar with your tank.What do you keep your SPG at?

What sifters did you add and did any of them also die from similar disease?


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The tank had the same parameters 2 1/2 yrs ago as now. My sg is in the normal range- 1.025. sand sifting stars. Since the red serpent died, some strange things are happening in my tank. Mind you. most of the corals I've had over two years, and these are suddenly happening- orange plate receding, (2) sarcophytons closed, and bent over. alveopora- this only two months old not opening. the pectinia, goniopora, cynarina. orange sponge, open brains, giant squamosa clam, and fishes all looking ok. I don't know if my tank is melting down or what. I detected a slight amt. of ammonia this a.m.- unheard of!! I did a 25% water change this a.m. Maybe I should put this thread in the reef discussion forum.


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Hey I also have a fancy Serpent Star that I only have had for 7.5 months. It has been fine in my 125g reef aqarium along with 2 other species of Brittle Stars. Just aprrox. 3 days ago I notice a deteriation spot in the Discus that has since covered most of the body. I thought this sounded similar to your problem and would like to know if you found any answers. As for some of your corals not looking to happy after the ich med, I would have expected this.My tank to gets its top off every day as I to check the spg. Which I keep higher than yours at 1.028. I have appox. 20+ different coral species. 1-Yellow tangs, 1- powder brown, 1- tomini tang, 1 maroon clown, 1- coral beauty, 1- ocellaris, 3- chromis, 3 scarlet cleaners along with many types of snail conchs, and lettuce slugs. So if anyone can advise me on what the problem is I would much appreciate it. I have many different brittle star in all of my salt water aqauriums and feed them all the same foods.


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The only likely answer was that the new sifters brought in a virus- I heard on this from a couple of people. The changes in the tank was due to the deterioration of the star. I have not been able to find a red serpent in my area since then, and I am still searching. I used the KIck Ick since then without any bad results.

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