I read Julian's article with great interest. The only question it didn't answer for me is budding. My 3 year old Goniopora stokesi (3 yrs. in my tank)has given me two buds. One is about 3 mm with currently 4 tentricles(sp?) the other about 5mm with 7 tentricles(sp?). How do I care for them? I currently have a small piece of eggcrate on them to keep from losing them in the substrate, but I would really like to adhere them to a rock so as not to lose them. Would Ross super glue work, as was suggested to me? Or will they attach on their own. Can anyone point me in the right direction, either through advise or articles I may read. They are currently 4 mo. old since I first noticed them and have doubled in size(approx) since first seeing them. Thanks in advance for any help.
Article:Captive Husbandry of Goniopora spp with Remarks About the Similar Species Alveopora
(Julian Sprung)
Article:Captive Husbandry of Goniopora spp with Remarks About the Similar Species Alveopora
(Julian Sprung)