These are indeed feather duster bristle worms, or as they are otherwise know, spirorbid polychaetes.
They are small worms that are suspension feeding animals, and they get no larger than what you see on your glass. They reproduce rapidly in our systems, but you don't see the babies. They may often cover the glass. Scrape them off, if they offend you. They are harmless, we all have tme some where in our systems.
Cheers, Ron
These are indeed feather duster bristle worms, or as they are otherwise know, spirorbid polychaetes.

They are small worms that are suspension feeding animals, and they get no larger than what you see on your glass. They reproduce rapidly in our systems, but you don't see the babies. They may often cover the glass. Scrape them off, if they offend you. They are harmless, we all have tme some where in our systems.
Cheers, Ron