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I have a really bad case of bubble algae and was told these crabs will eat it. I bought 4 the last time I bought a clean-up crew, but they don't seem to be making a big impact.

I have a 72gl. and wanted to buy more, a lot more, and wanted to know if anyone knows of an online store that sells them, other than FFExpress? They have them for $5.00 each and wouldn't give me a discount on a quantity.


How long have you had them? I put 1 in a 37 gal tank and he cleaned it all up, but it took him a while to get started. I got mine from http://www.coralsandsupplies.com , but they don't have them listed on the site you would probably have to call and ask. $5 sounds like a pretty good price to me.


My advice--
Do not buy any more. I have 3 in a 72 and they are outgrowing it. One has the body a little bigger than a quarter. Give them some time--Do not put more in--you will regret it in the future.


I had a growth spurt of bubble algae awhile back, and bought a couple of emerald crabs too. One dissapeared altogether, the other has only 1 front pincher. I cant remember if I bought him like that or not. Anyway, I have never seen him eat any bubble algae, but I have to look real hard to find the bubbles now. Long before I had heard of an Emerald crab, and when I had literally 100,000 bubble algae clusters, I switched to Deionized R/O water exclusively. The algae problem took care of itself.

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