Elvis, that is not a fix for the excess CO2 problem. A second chamber is only one way to solve the problem. Also, if the reactor does include a 2nd chamber in it's design, it does not mean it will screw up. It was designed that way, and should be fine. If you are using the reactor at a normal flow rate, you may not experience that much of a drop in ph. It is when you really start to aggressively use the reactor, do you notice a significant ph drop. my effluent ph is at a "normal" value (6.6), but I am running alot of flow. Therefore, there is more of a chance that excess CO2 will enter the reef. Adding a second chamber is a good way of getting rid of it. However, I prefer the increased aeration method. Not only does it raise the ph, but it also raises the dissolved O2. As far as the dolomte goes, I will just stick to the Mg additions. I only add about 60ml every month or so. Not enough to warrant me fiddling around with the aragonite mix.
#reefs channel operator
[This message has been edited by RichK (edited 18 November 1999).]