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Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
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OK, sorry but there will be no picture to this...
This morning I found that my powerhead is spewing bubbles in my display tank. In effort to improve the water inflow I tried to move the bottom rocks away from the bottom water intake grid... SOMETHING GOT ME! When I lifted my hand out of the tank one of my fingertips was covered with small white needles sticking out of it. It DIDN'T hurt, but was surely unpleasant. I was able to remove most of them by "brushing" my fingertip with a pomese stone (one to make your feet smooth).
Needles were multiple (tens of them?) about 1/4 inch or smaller, and white.


Experienced Reefer
middletown NY
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well my first thought would be a bristle worm, if you were moving the rocks....

But i dont know if you would find white needles in your hand from them. Maybe you could list a little more about your tank? How long it has been up and what you have in the tank.

sorry if everyone else already knows what you have, as I am new here


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Yup sounds like yo got hit by a bristle worm. Remove the needles with a tweezers. Run your finger under the hottest water you can stand and if needed take some benadryl.
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that happen to me i thought i was going to die i felt the pain in my whole arm its gotta be bristle worm thats what it sounds like the pain lasted me over a week cuz a little piece stood im my finger


Barnum Island
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Definitely sounds like a bristle worm.
A little late now, but the last thing you want to do is anything to push them further into your finger!
Some suggest duct tape, but you'd need to do it gently to pull them out. Tweezers and a magnifier are best, then soak in warmest water you can stand for 20 minutes, then vinegar for 20 minutes (it will not dissolve them...), then warm water again if it still feels very badly.

As Chief mentions - Benadryl is the best OTC medicine you can take for this.

If you notice any unusual symptoms associated with this aside from slight swelling, pain and numbness (common & expected)- go to an emergency room.
This type of injury bears watching aferwards in the event of a secondary infection.

The Poison Control Hotline can also provide this information
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Bristle WORMED! :irked:

Happens to me all the time. Run your hand under a strong hot current of water in your sink. Once all the bristles are out, use some white vinegar to counter the toxin. Run under hot water again. If you are feeling dizzy, are having problems breathing, if your heart is hurting or you start vomiting, please go to the emergency room.


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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i use crazy glue jel. put it in the spot...let it dry a bit, then peel off the glue. off come the bristles with it.
i don't ever use vinegar, and have never had any problems other than itching at the area, and minor swelling like a mosquito bite.


north jersey
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dont forget to drink heavily. it really helps in situations like this.

hey jon....don't drink and reef.....ever tried aquascaping while intoxicated?......oh it looks fine.. until the next morning....totally F' up.....lol.

this is what happened to alex (aquatic express)




Advanced Reefer
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I have been in the same boat move a rock end up with a finger tip full of white spikes like the above pic.I never felt sick or anything just the finger tip a lil sore no biggie

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