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Long Island
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I added some rock to my tank recently with some various polyps and a sponge of some kind. I noticed some brittle stars, asterina stars (which I immediately destroyed) and I THINK not 100% positive aiptasia? I don't want to kill baby polyps but I also don't want aiptasia lol and can anyone identify the sponge? I don't know much about sponges, every now and then a tentacle comes out and its NEON green?



Long Island
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The wand is definitely on my to get list now! I just got my Tunze9006 and some ORA snowflakes so my funds are a little short. Is there a home remidie or a cheap temp fix I could use to keep it under control till I get one? The more I look the more I see and my clove polyps are looking sad:(


Advanced Reefer
Albany, NY
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I tried Berghia (but they are expensive) but did not make a big dent for a while so added a file fish who went to town on them. He was mega efficient at ridding the tank. Tried the shrimp which seem to be a hit or miss depending on how much other food is available to them. The chemicals only work on the ones that you can see and there always seem to be others hidden ready to reproduce. In my opinion the file fish was the best choice and rid my tank totally.

You will hear 100 different ways to get rid of aptasia. Some work, some don't. I used Caribbean Peppermint Shrimp. GL.

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