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Hey Guys,

I've got 4 Turbo Snails in my 220 set up. These guys have DOUBLED in size in only about six weeks. My tank is a bare bottom so everything is real easy to see. These guys make a LOT of what I assume is poop! Gees, its like as big as mouse droppings and it's everywhere. Look for a Turbo grazing and almost certainly next to him is a pile of these gray long droppings.

Now I know the benefit of these snails as they really tear through nuisance algaes. But my question is: ok, so is the benefit of the algae worth the detriment of poop everywhere? I mean what is all this waste gonna do to water parameters??

I'm even contemplating removing these guys as most of any waste visible in my tank is Turbo snail dung?

This past week I was at the LFS and there was a tank full of Turbos and the ENTIRE bottom of tank was COVERED in this stuff! There was so much of it the tank looked like it had gravel in it.

What do you guys think? I mean my Turbos are big guys BUT four of them spreading dung everywhere in a 220?

Turbos, benefit or detriment??

DA fisherman

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I had 4 of these guys in my 55g and I remove them , the benefits was just not there.

Shoot I thought there was a mouse in my house pooping in the tank :-/

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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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The poop gets converted through bacteria but the algae just stays there spreading out.
It seems like they are creating as much waste as they clean but they really are converting algae into energy and waste that can be processed by the tank.

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