Is there ANY good method to keep this alive? I scored one today from an LFS (I was scouring the swap for one and had no luck, and then saw it today on a random trip to an LFS!!!) and have read a lot of stuff on other boards(which quickly turned into flamewars...). Here's what I know...low to medium light and placement, they need lots of feedings of filter food, and they need to be placed in medium flow for full polyp extension so they can feed. The one I got is at least the size of my open, outstretched hand, and has a purple and orange body with incredible blue polyps that glow like they are on fire. This pic isn't mine, but it is an excellent shot of this awesome coral-
PS- I have a red gorgo with white polyps, only like 5 or 6 arms/legs/whatever they are called, and have had it for a year now. Will I have that kinda luck with the Blueberry???

PS- I have a red gorgo with white polyps, only like 5 or 6 arms/legs/whatever they are called, and have had it for a year now. Will I have that kinda luck with the Blueberry???