HOT TIPS Column: June 2007 Issue of Advanced Aquarist
June's theme is "How do you handle your tank temperature in the summer? " Please submit your thoughts and ideas on what has worked for you or have seen work for others.
When published, you will have your username published (along with your real name if you so desire). Every month we will be running a new HOT TIP thread so stay tuned and help out when you can.
The staff at both and Advanced Aquarist would like to thank you for your continued interest and support of our online community, magazine, and services.
Let the submissions begin!
Best regards, and Advanced Aquarist staff
June's theme is "How do you handle your tank temperature in the summer? " Please submit your thoughts and ideas on what has worked for you or have seen work for others.
When published, you will have your username published (along with your real name if you so desire). Every month we will be running a new HOT TIP thread so stay tuned and help out when you can.
The staff at both and Advanced Aquarist would like to thank you for your continued interest and support of our online community, magazine, and services.
Let the submissions begin!
Best regards, and Advanced Aquarist staff