1. moved into a new place
2. setup the tank at the new place
3. lost the job and presently cruising on unemployment while job hunting
4. temperature flux is greater in the spot it is now and corals are declining-- slowly (about a 83 F to 88 F temp flux daily) due to the same dual 175W metal halides which werent a problem at the other place.
tank never had a sump just a hangon backpak skimmer
temp flux most likely due to old location of tank being in center of house away from windows, now located in livingroom by large sliding glass door.
any tips to hold me over temporarily until i get gainfully employed again?
didnt realize that despite air conditioning a chiller is really a necessary requirement for being in miami about as much as a heater was one in coastal california where i lived previously.
ive tried raising the temp to a higher level (dangerous i know) to try to keep the temp flux more even but when the lights come on it simply builds over the base temperature.
i considered a fan. maybe i could put one on a timer to come on with the lights but it seems to cool the tank too much and the heater winds up running constantly.
2. setup the tank at the new place
3. lost the job and presently cruising on unemployment while job hunting
4. temperature flux is greater in the spot it is now and corals are declining-- slowly (about a 83 F to 88 F temp flux daily) due to the same dual 175W metal halides which werent a problem at the other place.
tank never had a sump just a hangon backpak skimmer
temp flux most likely due to old location of tank being in center of house away from windows, now located in livingroom by large sliding glass door.
any tips to hold me over temporarily until i get gainfully employed again?
didnt realize that despite air conditioning a chiller is really a necessary requirement for being in miami about as much as a heater was one in coastal california where i lived previously.
ive tried raising the temp to a higher level (dangerous i know) to try to keep the temp flux more even but when the lights come on it simply builds over the base temperature.
i considered a fan. maybe i could put one on a timer to come on with the lights but it seems to cool the tank too much and the heater winds up running constantly.