gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
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put a smallish piece of liverock in your tank and let it encrust with all sorts of critters in a shady area. then let a friend borrow it.

good way to get your tank up and running fast with a bunch of critters and would work alot better than sand trading.

as i recall in the five years i had my tank prior to moving the way i had acquired the most fan worms and other neat critters was from frags with all sorts of neat life encrusting them. the stuff spawned and then grew on everything else.


Experienced Reefer
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There are different kinds of critters in sand and rock, some are found in both some are not. When you start a new tank you are going to put in live rock with all sorts of rock critters all ready plus you will get rock with live stock, but it is also good to get some sand to populate the sand bed if you have one.



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I did the exact thing. I had TONS of mysis, and a friend set up a new 180. He also has a couple of tangs that will clean off the red algea (tang heaven) that's growing ALL OVER my tank. I don't have anything that eats it. So it's a fair trade. He gets critters, and I get clean rocks!


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