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i'm lookin to get an dwarf angel. just don't know which one to get. i was thinkin about getting either a coral beauty, flame, or bicolor. my lfs is having a sale on flames for $30 so now would be the time to get one if i do. i just thought i remebered reading about people having some troubles with them in their tanks. i have a 75gal tank with lots o' corals. have 2 percs, a pseudochromis, and cleaner shrimp. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks


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Its angel not angle :lol: I also have a 75gal and i plan on getting a coral beauty. I heard flames might or might not pick at corals.


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Saw the title and thought you could just put on a foreign accent.
Start to talk about you small village back home.
Show some scars, and the chicks would be all over you

Will C1

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my flame has benn in my reef since set up and has never picked on any thing except an open brain. he hasent touched my lps or clams or leathers.


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from a personality standpoint, do the flame or even an african flameback. each are very pretty and equally bold. you will find them very hardy and they do swim out in the open most of the day. coral beauties are great too, although they can be a touch on the shy side.

the lemonpeels, bicolors, etc., are not particularly hardy and do provide challenges to even expert reefers.

the flame and african flameback will prove to be great choices.

oh! don't sweat the picking thing either. keep your fish well fed and provide pristine conditions. all will be fine.

good luck to you.

Minh Nguyen

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For colorful beauties get the Flame, Flameback (Pacific) or Fireball (Atlantic)
For mure suple beauties get the Cherub angel. All these fishes are hardy and , IME, does not bother SPS or clams. I do feed my tank well and never have any problem with them bother SPS or clams. I am not sure about LPS and soft corals since I rarely keep these. Please know that some people have problem with them picking on their corals.
Minh Nguyen


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Lemonpeel angels love LPS corals especially Trachyphyllia sp. Almost all Centropyge angels will nip occasionally at SPS corals. I dont think it is a species thing, just the fish itself. I have seen Flames in some aquaria go to town constantly on Montipora and Acros, where in other aquariua barely bother them. If the SPS are established in the reef, no problem. New additions of SPS to an aquarium that contains Centropyge will often have a hard time adjusting quickly and thriving due to the constant irritation of the angel. This is especially prevelant in smaller reefs (70 gallons or under) due to the confined space. Just my 2 cents.


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My flame occasionally nips at my accropora, but it doesn't seem to effect the accro. (Accro is still growing... just doesn't expose all its polyps during the daylight hours).
She's a beautiful fish that isn't very skiddish anymore, as a matter of fact, eats out of my hand.
Eating Disorders Forum


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My caribbean pygmy nips at LPS and clams, but not SPS. I think the rule of thumb with pygmies is: All can become a terror, even in good conditions. IMO, it's worth the risk since they are such beautiful fish.


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A cherup (C. argi) that bothers anything is truly a rarity. The only angel I can say that is almost 100% reef safe. With the others, you take chances to varying degrees.


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thanks for all the replies. sadly, not sure if my choice is any easier. lots of new choices that i never thought of. thanks alot for all the info

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