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Tankless in Dubai

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I was wondering if elevating my LR on PVC risers would be a good idea?

If so should I drill holes in the sides of the PVC riders so water and sand and critters can burrow in there?

I am afraid that without holes drilled in them that water or something might be trapped there and become harmful.

What do you think?


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I don't understand how putting PVC under your rock is beneficial. Some here have built racks to get unusual shapes and overhangs. But, putting it under your rock isn't recommended by Dr. Shimick who helped develop DSB's


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I was wondering the same thing. My tank is almost finished cycling and the rock is presently sitting on top of the sand. If I push the LR down to the bottom of the tank and cover the bottom part of the rocks with 4" of sand will I be killing anything on the LR and be creating a new amonia spike? Or does it make more sense to do the PVC thing?

O P Ing

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I was wondering if elevating my LR on PVC risers would be a good idea?
For some, yes, but that does not means that everyone should do it. May I ask you why you want to do it?
If so should I drill holes in the sides of the PVC riders so water and sand and critters can burrow in there?
I am afraid that without holes drilled in them that water or something might be trapped there and become harmful. ..
if water can get in there, critter can too. Don't worry too much, but if you have a few minutes of spare time, just drill holes and get this worry over with.


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The only reason I could think of by elevating LR from DSB surface is to be able to easily spot detritus accumulation. Am I right with that assumption?


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You can save on LR costs somewhat with the risers. In a large tank with a deep sand bed it might not be an insignificant amount. I have used them in the past- now I just have a layer of eggcrate down there to help even out any pointy spots on the glass. I certainly can't see any harm from putting rocks on risers. And yes, I drilled holes in mine, figuring they would be cool hiding spots for whatever...


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Your right there is probably nothing really bad going to happen if you put PVC support under your rock. You may create some dead spots but probably no big deal. The benefit of doing it is what puzzles me? Why waste the time and material if at best you do no harm.
Just set the rock on the sand and forget it. If you have digging amimals that cause a problem, you won't have a DSB anyway.
Do what ever you want, just don't do it thinking it has some beneficial purpose.


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Well, I never got into anything that elaborate. Just, sawed 4" pvc into 3 inch long sections and set em end up on the tank bottom.

cwa- I would be afraid to put the rocks on top of the sand because it doesn't sound like a very stable support?


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cwa46":277k8kgs said:

Your right there is probably nothing really bad going to happen if you put PVC support under your rock. You may create some dead spots but probably no big deal. The benefit of doing it is what puzzles me? Why waste the time and material if at best you do no harm.
Just set the rock on the sand and forget it. If you have digging amimals that cause a problem, you won't have a DSB anyway.
Do what ever you want, just don't do it thinking it has some beneficial purpose.

how could something bad happen? all he is doing is using pvc to get the rocks to the top of the sand. it actually increases the amount of DSB you have because there is no rock in the sand. the beneficial purpose is that it will save $$ on LR, and it can be more stable if done correctly. i would also drill holes just cuz im paranoid about deadzones(plenum). i would also fill the pvc with sand after you put it in the tank. another Q, what size pipe are you using? if i where you i would use 4" pipe, and on top of that id put eggcrate so that way you have a base incase you want to rearrange.


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Just take a cruise to Dr. Shimek's page and read the list of reasons not to put PVC even with holes in it, under your rock. Put the rock on the sand.
Why do you need to elevate it or even use base rock. Just set it on top of your DSB. Now if that option works and many do it that way, how does PVC save live rock?

Bryan Thompson

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It saves a ton on live rock. You basically create a pocket of water under the rock. Your rockwork is a shell instead of having to fill everything under your exposed area with base rock. The original berlin method and current DSB methods benefit from surface area. This will increase the surface area of your sand bed.



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Just set it on top of your DSB. Now if that option works and many do it that way, how does PVC save live rock?

Do many do it this way? With 4 or 5 inches of sand theres a lot of settling that can happen. Landslides suck!


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Use PVC raiser in conjunction with a small submersible pump

By doing so, you can eliminates some death spot under Liverock, more hiding spot for fishes (between rocks and sand), especially for shy/hide allot reef fishes.

Also, you can connect that pump to a timer to generated waves.

Happy Reefing


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"Do many do it this way? With 4 or 5 inches of sand theres a lot of settling that can happen. Landslides suck! " I don't personally know of anybody who has used the PVC approach. But, just setting your rock on the sand saves, base rock, live rock, and a whole buch of work installing PVC risers. And for what? I have one tank that is 3 years old. The rock has yet to fall over. Don't take my experience as fact, do a search and you will see that many do it this way.

O P Ing

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Just take a cruise to Dr. Shimek's page
Where is that?

In a 110 gal tank I am setting up, I have rock on two layers. The smaller LR from my former sump goes on top of the sand (and some into the sand). There is a rack system (made with 3/4 inch PVC and acrylic tubing) that I put some nicer LR on top of it. There are a dozen SPS that I will put on top of the upper LR, and get them closer to the light without putting tons of LR in there.


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I would think using PVC to elevate your rock would help with the flow of water through your tank. More flow is generally recommended in a reef. I've used both approaches. I have one tank that has a massive piece of rock which would have only fitted properly with PVC support. This gave a good area for fish to hide as well.

My current reef I placed the rock directly on the sand but tried to minimize the contact with the bed as much as possible. I figure the more surface area and flow over my substrates, the better filtering potential.


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OK cwa, I believe you. I'm actually not using risers because I had plenty of base rock from an old tank that was set up before the sand was put in. I don't really know what we're arguing about here, it takes practically no effort to slice up pvc pipes and nobody has presented any reason not to. What are Dr Rons reasons, anyway?


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I used 3" sections of 3/4" pipe. Cut a cross on top with a hacksaw and pressed a sheet of eggcrate into the crosscuts. I left a 5" space on one end and 3" across the front in case I wanted to add a tunnelling critter. Myh reasoning was that I felt the portion of the rock that would be buried was not going to be as effective as exposed rock.

I added sand after the rock cured in tank which made it difficult to fill in completely under some of the grid. I figure any caves will just end up being more pod growing territory.

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