I just found this interesting piece of info on iodine on the web. Anyone care to comment?
Another bleaching factor is temperature. Often if the temp gets too
hot corals will bleach. The solution is to lower the tank temp to the
accepted range of 75-80F and keep it CONSTANT.
Iodine is an overall factor and couples with lighting and
temperature. Corals need I2 and mushrooms and other soft corals need
it even more. I2 helps with the conversion of C02 to usable O2 in the
And finally I am of the opinion that you may not be able to save
them. Translucent white means they have lost all the zooanthelle and
thus have none to start the replenishment.
What I recommend if they are still attached to the rocks (still a
small bit of hope) is that you start adding iodine more regularly. And
move them out from under the overhang. KEEP them on the floor for a
week. Then move them up a few inches. Keep them there 2 weeks. Move up
a few inches. Repeat until they fall off the rocks OR they start to
look good again.
Good luck.
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