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AArgh! I am incredibly upset and need to vent... and seek advice..

I came home from work today (albeit late) to find that a piece of rock with GreenStar Polyps growing on it fell (or was pushed) off the ledge onto my bubble anemonie! (other pieces of rock moved as well.. i have no idea.. there might have been a small quake)

I asked my roomate when he last looked at the tank.. he said at 930pm everything was fine (got home at 10pm)

now i put everything back where they were and the poor bubble anemonie has shrunk into a crevice with only about 1 inch of it showing (fully open.. he was huge.. around 10" across).. I know the GSP rock must have fell right on top of him...

My question: Is there anything I can do to help the guy? He is such a beautiful looking bubble.. with a bright purple foot -> captive bred.. always stayed in the same spot.

Has this happened to anyone else before? Do you think the bubble can withstand this kind of event??

(BTW) the colt's rock fell in the sand as well, but when I put him back after 10 mins he was open and happy again.

Oh boy..I am so bummed about this....



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Thanks for the vote of confidence...today he came out of the crevice and opened up a little.. but his tentacles are very deflated looking..... lights are not on yet though.. i'll keep an eye on him....

have a good weekend!


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Dude -
This is California! If your rock work can't withstand a non-earthquake, what's going to happen when there is a real quake?
In May of 2000 I had just set up my 180 and there was a decent quake that occurred while I was leaning into the tank with both hands in. I was able to grab a bunch of rocks before they slammed into the side of my new acrylic tank. You need to secure the rocks or stack them so they can with stand a good jolt or you're going to have deeply scratched acrylic or shattered glass!


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Yeah.. I hear you... Tank has only been up a few months and i'm learning... I am thinking of glueing a few of the pieces together to form a stronger hold - in the event of the real thing..... What brand under H20 epoxy do folks usually use?

The good news is that - finally - the anemone is back out and appears to be healthy.. or at least happy.. see pic.


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