<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by monkeyboy:
<STRONG>If it's in your tank then i don't envy you.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Is there a problem with rust in a reef?? What does it hurt?
Hmmm.... Maybe w/ an iron test kit but that probably wont work...
Is this for rust in fresh or salt water? If your worried about it coming in thru the tap you should have bought an RO and/or a DI a while ago. If it's in your tank then i don't envy you.
Hey Tom, were you the guy i met while i was at Inland? Mind like a steel trap! That orange cap. is doing dandy as is the purple acro.
Rust or Iron Oxide in a reef aquarium is not going to necessarily be harmful but presence would indicate possibly excessive iron levels and more than likely lead to additional algae growth.