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Active Reefer
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Are these protein skimmers any good? Anybody ever tried one out or heard anything about them? Thanks, Reefer


Advanced Reefer
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Do a search on the board using the keyword "Prizm" as many discussion have been had on this item in the past few months.

I use one and think very highly of it. While it's not suited for larger tanks, I think it's a best buy for smaller tanks. It's easy to install and clean, relatively quiet and very cheap.

If you do decide to get one, send in your registration card and then call Red Sea and ask for the replacement impeller. It works better than the original one and is quieter too. It's a free upgrade from the company, but you have to ask for it.


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I've been using one for about a month now also and I think it is a pretty good skimmer as well. Perfect for small tank (55 and less)



Experienced Reefer
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Been using one too for about a month now on our 46g tank.. and I am happy about it.. works fine and remove lots of junks and does not make a lot of noise..


Active Reefer
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I use one on a 30 gallon reef and like it very much. I probably wouldn't use it on anything above 75, but it's rated supposedly for up to 100 gallons.


Advanced Reefer
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I will admit that I bought mine because I was new to the hobby, and wanted to go cheap because I didn't fully understand protein skimming and it's benefits. At $65 it was hands down the best bang-for-the-buck skimmer.

So here I am 6 months later with a little Prizm skimmer on a 100gal aquarium. My aquarium is doing well with 13 fish and many LPS and soft corals. My Xenia grows like weeds and my Bubble Tip Anemone just split the other day. My LPS corals are vibrant and growing and my shrimps and snails release eggs several times per month.

I wont say that the Prizm is suited for a large tank, but it seems to contribute the health of my tank. I'm not a proponent of skimmerless reefs, but at the same time I have had sucess with only a small skimmer on a large tank.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: the skimmer should not be the main concern for the well being of the tank as long as you control the quality of water, and provide adequate light and circulation for the inhabitants.

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