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Snake Man

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has anyone used any kind of dry calcium additives, at the lfs a guy was telling me about some kind of dry calcium that he uses. said that it wasnt made for aquarium use but that it works very well. anyone know anything about this?


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Its the calcium additive made by Two little fishes, i have also heard very promising things about this additive. Cant remember the name though, but its the only one they make.

Snake Man

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ive heard of the various calcium powders, but he said that this wasnt made for aquariums specifically. its just pure calcium granules, he said that he adds about a teaspoon a day to his 55 gallon and that his calcium levels stay around 480. has anyone tried the two little fishes product? would a calcium reactor still be the best way to increase calcium levels?

randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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Without knowing what the product is, it's hard to say whether it's useful or not.

If it's calcium chloride, then it can work, but you'll need to add a separate alkalinity supplement, and may have to worry about chloride rising slowly over long periods.

If it is calcium acetate, go for it. That will add both calcium and alkalinity.

If it is calcium carbonate, don't add it directly to the tank, as it will cause Ca++ and alk to drop. Dissolve it in water first, then add it.

It is very, very unlikely to be "pure calcium". That would be a shiny silver metal that would explode in a ball of flame on contact with water. OTOH, it will add both calcium and alkalinity to the tank!

It could be something else entirely.

[ August 08, 2001: Message edited by: Randy Holmes-Farley ]

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