gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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The other day my Xenia started to dip, not all of it just a piece. At first I thought it was just splitting but today I notice some yellow decay where it was sagging. I did not feed my peppermint shrimp the other night. Is it possible they chewed on my Xenia? Most of it is still pulsing and I added some Iodine. I want to avois a Xenia crash, is there anything I can do? It is on its on little rock so I could move it to a Q tank but that is a FO tank, no LR. Should I just wait it out?


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If I were you I would move it to the Q-tank. I put new xenia in my tank 2 weeks ago and something (perhaps pmint shrimp) ate the entire colony (I don't have Q-tank)...It took a while to figure out what was happening to it but it surely was eaten. By the way, what do you feed your peppermint?


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my xenia were also eaten down to the stalk, which is now slowly growing back. I am beginning to think that my peppermint shrimp (i have two) eat xenia, although I have not caught him red-clawed so I cannot say for sure. Anyhow, since they are scavengers it is best to feed them small pieces of shrimp (strangely enough), clams, and some formula foods (mine love trigger formula). They would do fine in a FOWOLR tank for a while. If your pep shrmps are eating your xenia it's probably a sign that they need to be fed more often, as I don't think xenia (whatever species) is their food of choice. For ailing xenia you've got to figure out what is stressing them and eliminate those stresses be4 it eliminates them. Could be myriad things. Could you give us more info re: your tank?


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I wouldn't be supprised if someone ate it, i guess it's pretty tasty. I have heard of a hippo tang and a poweder blue tang that have a xenia tooth so to speak. Peppermints could have but you never know... Maybe they're camels?

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