gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I know I can't be the only reef-obsessed mofo that does this...
I opened the door to my stand/cabinet, layed on the floor, and looked up under the tank with a flashlight last night.. WOW..

I saw a network of worm trails, some unidentified worms and other substrate dwellers, and even located a crab that I was sure had croaked...

So what does YOUR reef basement look like?

Maybe some pics would be in order here....


Experienced Reefer
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I know others can post pics faster than me since i need to go home to take the pics. I have lots of weird stuff on the bottom of my tank. I used to have an engineer goby and I watched him from under the tank since he dug through the 4" of substrate to make a home.

It looks like there is a good amount of detrius on the bottom of mine, but also lots of worms and other critters.

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