<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathan:
<STRONG>I vote for meq/l since it's metric (SI (System International))</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Odd, since most Americans use meq/l and most Europeans use dKH.
It's worse in astronomy - telescope apertures and focal lengths are referred to in inches, but eyepiece focal lengths are always in millimeters. So you have a 6" Newtonian with a 25mm eyepeice.
And let's not forget, we buy our milk by the quart, but our Pepsi by the liter.
When talking alkalinity there seem to be two standards that people use. Why not let's all conform to one standard. It would be like talking Farenheight and Celcius. Wouldn't it be easier if well standardized this unit of alk measurement?
I vote for meq/l since it's metric (SI (System International))