gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I hope I didn't kill everything in my LR/LS.
I just moved my tank to a new apartment and due to reasons beyond my control I ended up storing my LS and LR in rubbermaid containers on teh porch with water circulating as much as possible. It got into the lower 90's and things seemed kinda smelly and nasty as I rebuilt my tank. Just a little black death on the LR which I scrubbed off. Now all is up with the skimmer running. Gawrsh, I hope not all the good bacteria has died. Any guess on the chances of a decent recovery?


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I would consider using a biological additive to increase the de-nitrifying bacterial colony. Whilst the colony is small there is a much larger chance the system will crash and re-cycle, if you boost the population with an additive then they will become more stable. It should recover of its own accord but this will decrease the time needed. Best of luck and watch those test kits.


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I would recommend you check the ammonia and nitrite levels daily for a little while.
You also might try to run an airline in the corner in case there are any nasties in the tank.
Don't put any livestock in until you are 100% sure everything is OK.


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All my livestock are at the LFS. I thought it wise so I took them there before teardown.


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you ARE wise

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