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Wow! Impressive. All phosphate tests are being conducted with the same Salifert PO4 test kit with duplicate methods.

8/4/01 at 2200 PO4= 0.8ppm.

That was a drop of 1.2ppm. After removing the sponge, it looked good. It did not appear to be falling apart or ransid.
The new sponge was inserted in the same location. I will repeat the test tomorrow and post the results. Then, the final test will be conducted 8/6.

BTW, I wanted to note, the manufacurer also included a small package of white substance designed to kill red slime algae. Since I did not have this problem, it was not used.

Is anybody interested in these results and/or product info?


chris s1

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i am interested, it sounds like its a product that is working for you... do you have a link so i can see what this looks like?

john f

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Thanks for the efforts, but you really screwed this test up.
How do you test for the effectiveness of the new product when you are using the Sea-chem at the same time?
Any results you get will be inconclusive as the which product (or both) did the trick.



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cerreta:
<STRONG>8/4/01 at 2200 PO4= 0.8ppm.

Considering 0.04 mg/L is on the high side, 0.8 mg/l is a far cry from the 0 claimed in the topic. Besides the fact that 0 phosphates is impossible to achieve in a reef tank. Never the less a dramatic decrease in PO4 overall.


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Jim, its a two phase treatment. One sponge for 24 hours and then remove and add the second one for 48 hours. The first measurement was after the first 24 hour treatment. One more to go.


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Okay, here it is. I bought a Phosphate Sponge made by Tropical Science ($20.00 ouch) and a 250ml vial of Seachem Phosgaurd $8.00.

The sponge advertises dramitic results. Claiming to lower Phosphate by 2ppm (800mg) in one dosing. This product promises to do it fast too!(72hours)
The package comes with two sponges. The sponge basically looks like a thin, moist sponge [(4.5x8x.25)inches (WxLxH)] loaded with red algaes. Upon intial inspection, I was impresssed and it appears like a natural way to soak up phosphate.

The directions say place one sponge directly in water flow for 24 hours and discard. Then, place second sponges in same location for 48 hours and discard. It seems almost too good to be true, like a miracle cure.

I cut one sponge in half, length wise, and wedged it in my sump baffle area. The sump is only 12" long and the pads overlap by four inches. All water flows through this sponge.
For extra help, a filter bag full of phosguard (250ml) was placed 4 inches directly above the sponge on eggcrate. It has been 22 hours since I started!

I will go test the water quality now and let you all know the results.

On 7/25 tank =2ppm PO4
On 8/3 tank =2ppm
Sponge and Phosgaurd added 8/3/01 at 2300

...to be continued


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John, I hear you. My initial goal was to lower the phosphates in my tank any way I could. It was an afterthought to share this info on this forum. So, the test may not demonstrate the sole power of the sponge alone, but rather the two working together.

Chris, I will try to find a pic. The company, Tropical Science, is new. I think Pet Warehouse carries their line. I'll let you know as I find out.

Minderasr, you're right. I said zero in place of WNL (within noral limits), which is <0.02ppm, which is the goal. Thanks for the comment.

Well, it seems at least one person is interested and probably more, so I will continue to post the results. IF I had planned ahead a little better, I think I would have used just the sponge to test its powerful claim. But the bottom line is to find a way to lower phosphates and to document the results.


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Okay, I did another test tonight just to check the progress, but the completion of the test will actually be tomorrow night at 2300.

8/5/01 at 2300 PO4= 0.5ppm.

I expected a bigger drop than that, but hopefully it will improve before tomorrow night.



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A word of caution:

SeaChem is Aluminum Oxide and can cause death in sarcophytons by aluminum poisioning.

I don't know what's in this other red sponge, but if it's also Aluminum Oxide, then beware...

Also, just because it removes phosphate from your water, that won't necessairly mean that you are safe. Phosphate can be leached out of your Live Rock for several months, especially if you started your reef with regular tap water and then made the switch to RO/DI. I know from experience.



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Well, this is much appreciated! I was just about to buy the very same pad from petwarehouse, but now I'll wait to see the results. Thanks!


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I used the SeaChem product one time in the past and noticed a definate negative reaction from my leather coral. I never would have thought the SeaChem product contained anything harmful but after doing a search on some of the reef boards I found that it does contain aluminum as Nathan stated.


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ill vouge for the (leaching out of rocks after switching from tap to RO water) statement, i used tap for a year and a half before i could get a RO, now i have been on a RO for almost a year, and still have a high ph, i have run the pads and run the granual stuff( several diff brands)( oh yes DONT REUSE the granuals, i dont care what the directions say) and the granuals and pads would always reduce the phos but then it would go back up...its been a battle.. let me tell you..

john f

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The red sponges IME are usually an Iron oxide compound. They DO NOT poison corals as I have read possible with aluminum oxides.
I have had zero problems using aluminum oxides however.
BTW, the small vial for red-slime was probably erythromycin.



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Thanks for your comments. I do have a very beautiful Sarcophyton, leather coral and it looks good so far. I will keep an extra close eye on home and let you all know if it starts having side effects; thanks for the tip Nathan.

For the record. My tank was setup 6/30/01; most live rock and live sand came from my pre-established 65 gal reef. All water used has been RO/DI.

I will give Tropical Science a call to confirm iron vs. aluminum oxide usage.


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I called Tropical Science and was told no coumponds are released from the product. Also, the chemical component contains ferric oxide (form of iron) and NO aluminum at all. He was very hesitant to comment further... but I tried. Secrets of the trade, so he tells me.

John, you're right the white powder is erythromycin.


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Okay, the final test was done. There was no change from last light.

8/6/01 at 2030 PO4=0.5

I think I will leave the sponge in one more night.

john f

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IME the phosphate removers only work well when water is forced thru them. In sump will not do the trick usually.
I use Kent Phosphate sponge in a Magnum HOT for 2 days, then remove.
I think even the Iron oxide compund you are using would work much better if the water was forced thru it.

Just FYI, the product you are using has been around for quite some time, but marketed by different companies under different names. I first used it about 8 years ago. That line the guy gave you about trade secrets is total B.S.


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