gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Has any one hatched and raised green chromis eggs? I have some of them but they aren't good parents compared to the clowns. Eggs were devoured by the tank mates in a day.


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Tell us more about your chromis. Are they the "Green" chromis? How many do you have? Can you tell the difference between male and female? Do they pair up like clownfish?



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I have 2 green chromis(es) what ever the plural form is. One's noticeably larger than the other. The large one guards the eggs while the smaller one stays real far away. By the way, they are at the bottom of my tanks pecking order. I can't tell which one is the male or female as I have not witness the egg laying. When the larger chromis defends the eggs, it can get real fierce. Even taking on a full size purple tang. They lay the eggs in random lines of about 15cm each on vertical surfaces. 3 times they have spawned and all times the eggs were on the glass. Problem is that the lines make it harder to protect the eggs than the clown's cluster. I have never seen their courtship but I suspect that the egg laying is done early morning or at night.

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