i fill a 5 gal water jug. and place it in a 15gal rubbermaid tub...good thing the other day it overflowed into the tub about a gallon. the floor is the laudry room so it wouldn't be that bad. try the rubbermaid tub or the sink
Been there, done that, many times. After I top-off the tank and feed, I usually put the 5-gallon jug on the kitchen floor and run a hose from the RO/DI faucet into the jug. Then I come to reefs.org to check posts, and by the time I'm done, I've got a lake in the kitchen. I think I've probably done that 5 times, and still counting...
Never leave the water filter running unattended into a bucket on the kitchen floor when you're tired...at night...and you get distracted...sigh...it makes a mess....