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I am in the very early planning stages for a 125 gallon reef.
I am looking for prices on a 125 gallon glass tank pre-drilled, with built-in overflows in the back corners (or just one corner if that is a better way to go).

If you happen to know the price for such an item will you please post for me?

Oh yeah, if there is a more cost effective sized tank of relative size I would like to hear about it.



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Moe -

I was thinking about the same think about a month ago - Look in the wantADvertiser. Last month there were 2 complete 125 setups with stands for $450 - one was reefready + an incredible deal but it was sold when I called. If you get the mag the day it comes out you might have a shot at one if you call quick. Let me know how it goes.



Advanced Reefer
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Do you have a Petland Discount by you? They have the tanks on sale right now. An AGA 125 (not reef ready) is $219.99 and the AGA 125 reef ready one is $279.99.


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Our local Petco will once or twice a year have Island Glass tanks on sale for $1.00 a gal. Their canopies and stands are REALLY expensive though.


Active Reefer
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Try Here.


Experienced Reefer
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Try Pet Club in West Roxbury, they seem to have the best prices on tanks in our area.


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I looked for a while, and in the pennysaver or newspaper, there are quite a few tanks for sale. Not all of them are buying quality, but I was able to pick up a 125gallon acrylic with black back and the stand and canopy for $100. I bought it from a guy that knew jack. The tank is the cheapest part. Lighting, filtration, pumps, skimmers, sumps, livestock, etc. are the real money eaters in the 125g hobby. It looks very nice, but if I had to do it again I would gone with a 75g tank. JMO.


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It's been two weeks since I upgraded my 75g FOWLR to a 125g.

I got an All Glass twin overflow tank, stand, top, double strip light, 35g sump with return pumps, delivery, and set up for around 950.00. This may have been a little on the high side.


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I got my 100 long (same footprint of a 125) for $150 with stand, and extras on Ebay. it was a buy it first auction. When I upgrade, I will not have to change much.

Except the stand, which is only 19" high.


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