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Powder Blue

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does anyone have a queen angelfish? I'm thinking of getting one. If you have one that is happy, please tell me your setup so that I may see what I might need for it. thanks.


Experienced Reefer
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I had one years ago, it was about two inches when I got it,over the years it grew to around 7 and I had to get rid of it, beautiful friendly fish, I miss her


Experienced Reefer
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I had one about 2 years ago, moved and had to sell. Was about 5" at time of sale and kept in a 75 gal. If I were to get one again , and I plan to. I would'nt go for less than a 180-200 gal. tank. They get to about 16 inches. I was going to purchase a 135 before I decided it was cheaper to sell her and wait 'till later to properly accomodate one. Definately had a personality.

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