gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Hello Boston Reefers,

We are trying to find a place to hold an August meeting. One of the ideas is to have the meeting one Sat. afternoon at the New England Aquarium, but as you may know they are doing construction over there. My contact at the NEAQ is checking the functions schedule, as I have told him to try and find us a room for twenty people.
I looked into the Boston Public Library, but they want a written proposal submitted which can take a month or more for approval.
Anyone have any ideas on where to hold an August meeting (if the NEAQ falls through again)? I think 20 - 30 people would show up, although 68 expressed interest on the web page.

Another general question for you all:
The web page was created on Homestead - which is about to start charging. Anyone with an idea of where we can move the website for free?
Thanks and happy reefing,

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