I don't understand something here. In the books that I have , I can't find info re turnover rate. I've heard before that one should have 10 times turnover, but...WHY? We don't use filter pads, some people are moving "towards" skimmerless systems, and some people do no water changes.
It seems to me that a system, once established, would do fine with either a fast OR a slow turnover. High turnover would only aid in the main tank circulation. A skimmer, operating out of the sump, would have the same effect, wouldn't it? (Provided the bioload isn't too high)
I have my 240g system turning over maybe once per hour. It makes sense to me to do that, because I want all the things that make up plankton to remain in the main tank for as long as possible.
Any info or reference to info would be appreciated.