Mud ( i.e. a substrait that consist of sugar grain sized particles) . I have resently read an article in TFH about the benefits of using mud as a substraight for ones reef aquarium. suposedly it allows for many micro scopic fuana to breed and in doing so they not only control the build up of debris but also produce plantonic offspring, which become food for coral. Has any ever used a mud substraigt in their aquarium? If so, what are the ups and downs of this method?
How much more or less beneficial would the mud method be verses to useing a plume system, which I'm told requires a sand particle of no less then 1mm (far larger than mud particles)?
How much more or less beneficial would the mud method be verses to useing a plume system, which I'm told requires a sand particle of no less then 1mm (far larger than mud particles)?