I was thinking of getting this used system with the following specs:
2 X 250 Watt 4300k MH
four 55 Watt 10K/Full Spectrum Compact fluorescent w/ballast
for 200bucks
would this be enough lighting with proper insensity to go over a 77gal tank? because i was a little worried about the 4300k halide bulbs...but there is 4 55 10000k power compacts. Any input would be appreicated.
I was thinking of getting this used system with the following specs:
2 X 250 Watt 4300k MH
four 55 Watt 10K/Full Spectrum Compact fluorescent w/ballast
for 200bucks
would this be enough lighting with proper insensity to go over a 77gal tank? because i was a little worried about the 4300k halide bulbs...but there is 4 55 10000k power compacts. Any input would be appreicated.