I started with 1 xenia stalk about 2 months ago now there are 6 colonies but it has never pulsed. I think it is because my ph is 8.0. How do I raise this to 8.3. Thats what the LFS is set at and his pulses like mad.
Funny you mentioned xenia - see my thread God$%#*Xenia for some discussion....I don't think anyone yet knows precisely what makes xenia thrive...I have read xenia like high ph but then my ph is 8.4 and mine crapped out rather quickly. There is probably more to your situation than ph-good luck!
My alk has always been low like 1.0
I started adding kent reef buffer and its now up to 2.8
But the ph never flucuatated just 8.0
Calcium levels are low also I have never used any supplement to raise calcium levels.
It is possible that your pH kit is off--it'd be easy to bring some water by the LFS next time and check against theirs.
Xenia is a f@#cking mystery to me. Everything in my tank thrives with the exception of Xenia. 3 different types. The first crashed after 6 months, types 2 and 3 have been going about a month. One of them is nearly capoot and the other is looking a little anorexic.
I think you might want to consider getting the SeaChem products to buffer up the Alk, which slowly in time will also raise up the PH. Both seachem & tropic marine have products that are ionically balanced to raise both Ca and Alk.
what test kits are you using? I ask because I can't believe xenia would grow, or even survive, if your alk was 1.0
Before you go crazy adding chemicals make certain your test kits are giving you valid results (I've had good results with salifert kits, RedSea kits gave me bad alk and calcium results)...HTH
Red sea test kits.
The alk is 1.0 consistantly until I added kent buffer. That is a super low alk but my colt coral is growing like mad my bta with 2 percs has tripled in size and my leathers are growing great even split a few times.
I added buffer yesterday and it went from yellow(1.0) to a green blue at about 2.8
So alk is up but ph always stays at 8.0.
The xenia are thriving started from 1 now 6 stalks